So I had the kids with me running errands and I had a Old Navy Cash to spend that was going to be expired soon. I decided to brave Old Navy in search of a certain shirt I was wanting with the kiddos. I planned it so we would be at the store right when it opened. Thinking the less people the better!
Well after touring the store and the kids telling me everything they liked and thought that I should get and that they should get I find my top...but I wanted to try it on. So I grab the top and we head into the changing room. Thankfully no one is in there yet. So I put this blue sleeveless top on and Presley says "It's not perfect mom" so I ask "What's wrong with it" She says "It's too big!" Yea...she was right. It was too big. So I take it off and Ashton then yells "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" at me OMG embarrassing! Ok maybe I should stop changing in front of my kids.
So we head back out to get a smaller shirt and then the want me to try on this dress. For grins and giggle I did. They LOVED the dress!! But I got the shirt...and that was our adventure in Old Navy. The End.
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
San Antonio Trip
June was busy! (That's my excuse for not meeting my daily blogging goal) No but was! Promise!
School go out early June and Keith is now on summer "break". It is not really a break for coaches...I mean not in the same way teachers get breaks. He still has to go up to the gym daily, work bball camps, do cross country runs, has coaching clinics. My opinion teachers don't make enough money and coaches especially don't make enough money for all the hours they put in! Good thing Keith isn't in it for the money!
We also took the kids to San Antonio. Keith had a basketball camp out there so me and my mom tagged along with the kids. The second day there I took the kids to visit my Austin friends who also have kiddos. That was nice...miss those people! Then we went to visit my Uncle who also lives in Austin and owns stables check them out! The kids got to ride horses, pet a pony, and walk in horse poo! Super fun!
The third day we went and watched Keith's basketball team play. The kids enjoyed that but they really enjoyed being around the girls and running circles in the halls.
Then one night we took the kids to the river walk to eat and walk around. We did walk around...alot! But the kids were troopers. They got their faces painted and got magical light up swords.
Before we went home we stopped at water park in San Antonio...thanks to Groupon I got a good deal (so they made me think). The kids had a blast! Especially the boys. They even went on slides that weren't baby slides but not big slides. So impressed!
School go out early June and Keith is now on summer "break". It is not really a break for coaches...I mean not in the same way teachers get breaks. He still has to go up to the gym daily, work bball camps, do cross country runs, has coaching clinics. My opinion teachers don't make enough money and coaches especially don't make enough money for all the hours they put in! Good thing Keith isn't in it for the money!
We also took the kids to San Antonio. Keith had a basketball camp out there so me and my mom tagged along with the kids. The second day there I took the kids to visit my Austin friends who also have kiddos. That was nice...miss those people! Then we went to visit my Uncle who also lives in Austin and owns stables check them out! The kids got to ride horses, pet a pony, and walk in horse poo! Super fun!
The third day we went and watched Keith's basketball team play. The kids enjoyed that but they really enjoyed being around the girls and running circles in the halls.
Then one night we took the kids to the river walk to eat and walk around. We did walk around...alot! But the kids were troopers. They got their faces painted and got magical light up swords.
Before we went home we stopped at water park in San Antonio...thanks to Groupon I got a good deal (so they made me think). The kids had a blast! Especially the boys. They even went on slides that weren't baby slides but not big slides. So impressed!
Thursday, June 5, 2014
Living age 3
So May 31st I made the goal of writing a blog everyday in June....well here it is..June 5th! My bad.
Kids are doing ... wonderful. Momma however is struggling a bit. I heard 3 was bad and hoped it was just bad for everyone elses kids. Mine have gotten hit with the terrifying 3 bug. What are the symptoms?
- Back talk
- Possessed like fit throwing
- A lot of "No" and "You do it!"
- The littlest thing being wrong or off and the whole world is crashing down
- ALOT of "I want to do it by myself" which takes FOREVVVVEEERRRRR, and
- Some "I want to pick out my clothes" - then once they pick it out and get them half on they realize they don't want to wear it and want to pick something else. Argh...I could go on.
However in between the times when symptoms are at their worst there are lots of sweet and funny moments.
Presley I have found is serious. She likes to be silly and goofy...but pretty much on a daily basis tells me "stop it mommy that isn't funny"...especially when I try to squirt her w/ water. She thinks she is a princess and acts like it...definitely a daddies girl! Lately when she does something and gets in trouble she says "It's an accident mommy...I didn't mean too"...sure Presely sure...
Ashton is still a wild man with the fullest whole hearted laughter...that I could listen to forever. He is also super sweet. He is very complementary. He tells me I am pretty and compliments pretty much anything you can think of (your clothes, shoes, makeup, pictures you draw, buildings you build, ect). He will also tell you your are doing a "good job".
Keegan is sweet too. Definitely a mommas boy. He loves blue and would dress head to toe in blue on a daily basis if he could...and sometimes hes does make it a few days in row. Recently he took a hard fall and skinned up his knees pretty good. The last 2 days one of the scabs got pulled a little off which caused massive amounts of blood to drip down his leg....this sent Keegan into a inconsolable panic. I was finally able to convince him to let me clean it...but no bandaids! Hey may be a tad OCD...
All 3 of them have begun to pretend play together. From building castles and towers w/ legos, to having tea parties, to making chocolate milk w/ sand and water. It's really sweet hearing their conversations and how they talk to each other (when they aren't arguing lol). They all also LOVE to sing. Sometimes I think they believe life is a musical and they sing about the way...anyone out there provide singing lessons to 3 year olds? Talk about monotone! LOL
That's the update for now....stay tuned for daily adventures...fingers crossed.
Kids are doing ... wonderful. Momma however is struggling a bit. I heard 3 was bad and hoped it was just bad for everyone elses kids. Mine have gotten hit with the terrifying 3 bug. What are the symptoms?
- Back talk
- Possessed like fit throwing
- A lot of "No" and "You do it!"
- The littlest thing being wrong or off and the whole world is crashing down
- ALOT of "I want to do it by myself" which takes FOREVVVVEEERRRRR, and
- Some "I want to pick out my clothes" - then once they pick it out and get them half on they realize they don't want to wear it and want to pick something else. Argh...I could go on.
However in between the times when symptoms are at their worst there are lots of sweet and funny moments.
Presley I have found is serious. She likes to be silly and goofy...but pretty much on a daily basis tells me "stop it mommy that isn't funny"...especially when I try to squirt her w/ water. She thinks she is a princess and acts like it...definitely a daddies girl! Lately when she does something and gets in trouble she says "It's an accident mommy...I didn't mean too"...sure Presely sure...
Ashton is still a wild man with the fullest whole hearted laughter...that I could listen to forever. He is also super sweet. He is very complementary. He tells me I am pretty and compliments pretty much anything you can think of (your clothes, shoes, makeup, pictures you draw, buildings you build, ect). He will also tell you your are doing a "good job".
Keegan is sweet too. Definitely a mommas boy. He loves blue and would dress head to toe in blue on a daily basis if he could...and sometimes hes does make it a few days in row. Recently he took a hard fall and skinned up his knees pretty good. The last 2 days one of the scabs got pulled a little off which caused massive amounts of blood to drip down his leg....this sent Keegan into a inconsolable panic. I was finally able to convince him to let me clean it...but no bandaids! Hey may be a tad OCD...
All 3 of them have begun to pretend play together. From building castles and towers w/ legos, to having tea parties, to making chocolate milk w/ sand and water. It's really sweet hearing their conversations and how they talk to each other (when they aren't arguing lol). They all also LOVE to sing. Sometimes I think they believe life is a musical and they sing about the way...anyone out there provide singing lessons to 3 year olds? Talk about monotone! LOL
That's the update for now....stay tuned for daily adventures...fingers crossed.
Keegan stole my phone and is taking pictures of himself...about 100 of them.
Ashton and Presley being best friends
Ashton demonstrating the tantrum face of a 3 year old.
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
3 in 10 days....when did this happen?
I can't believe my kids will be 3 very soon! That means only 2 more years to Pre-K, and 3 mores years until Kindergarten (and me going back to work :-( ) When did they decide to grow up?? Don't get me wrong...I am VERY happy we are out of the baby stage (not my favorite!). They are starting to get really funny!!
This morning we had to run some errands and they were so good at an appt I let them pick out one of those very big suckers that you can get from the store for 50 cents. Keegan was in Heaven. He loves suckers! So we get in the car and Ashton had already opened his sucker even though I told him not too. Keegan wanted me to open his sucker for him and since Ashton already chowing down on his I decided it was only fair to open Keegans. Presley wanted to wait to get home to eat hers. Once we got home and got out of the van Presley and Ashton noticed Keegans big blue ring around his mouth. "You have a blue face Keegan!" Keegan just laughed. I made them eat their giant suckers in the kitchen so stickiness would not spread through house. They started playing games in the kitchen. First pretending to take pictures of each other "One more, okay Presley" Keegan would say. Another game was huddling up and putting their hands in the middle and saying "Special!" and throwing their hands up. Then proceeding to jump around screaming. "Ashton made me sad. He called me a tooty boy" Keegan came running to me saying. Ashton in the background "Keegan's a tooty boy, Presleys a tooty girl, Mercy's a tooty dog!"
This is a short 10 minute look into my life. It is messy, sweet, funny, sad, frustrating, joyful, and probably every emotion you can think of at some point.
Presley is really into Princess stuff and Barbies. She is the best one at sleeping in her bed at night...which is like 1-3 times a week. She thinks she is the most beautiful princess ever. She talks ... alot and can be very bossy. Today I called her into the kitchen because she didn't put her plate up and she came in saying " Yes? What can I do for you?" She loves to dance and twirl around and demands to be put in skirts or dresses. The more sparkly the better. I just started the kids in tumbling at the YMCA and Presley loves it! Especially the trampoline part.
Keegan still LOVES Yo Gabba Gabba especially Brobee (Grobee in his mind) and Cars. He can easily go play by himself and keep himself entertained for a long time. But he also plays with his sibling well although he can be very sensative. He gets his feelings hurt easily and instead of telling his brother or sister what they did to hurt him he comes running to me "They made me sad!". He is also very observant! He went to Aunt Momos house the other day and walked around pointed out every little thing that was different.
Ashton really loves Pirates (Jake and the Neverland Pirates to be exact) and he is all boy. He loves to run, jump, tackle, push, scream, and get dirty. He is also a mockingbird. Now at the basketball games he repeats (screaming) what the fans yell. Its very entertaining. He also has a girlfriend (in his mind) who is a senior on bball team. He wakes up on game days and says "I get to see Addi today?" While Ashton is all boy he also loves to get Presleys pom poms and run around the house shaking them screaming "GO TEAM! GO BULLDOGS!"
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Prelsey |
This morning we had to run some errands and they were so good at an appt I let them pick out one of those very big suckers that you can get from the store for 50 cents. Keegan was in Heaven. He loves suckers! So we get in the car and Ashton had already opened his sucker even though I told him not too. Keegan wanted me to open his sucker for him and since Ashton already chowing down on his I decided it was only fair to open Keegans. Presley wanted to wait to get home to eat hers. Once we got home and got out of the van Presley and Ashton noticed Keegans big blue ring around his mouth. "You have a blue face Keegan!" Keegan just laughed. I made them eat their giant suckers in the kitchen so stickiness would not spread through house. They started playing games in the kitchen. First pretending to take pictures of each other "One more, okay Presley" Keegan would say. Another game was huddling up and putting their hands in the middle and saying "Special!" and throwing their hands up. Then proceeding to jump around screaming. "Ashton made me sad. He called me a tooty boy" Keegan came running to me saying. Ashton in the background "Keegan's a tooty boy, Presleys a tooty girl, Mercy's a tooty dog!"
This is a short 10 minute look into my life. It is messy, sweet, funny, sad, frustrating, joyful, and probably every emotion you can think of at some point.
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Keegan |
Keegan still LOVES Yo Gabba Gabba especially Brobee (Grobee in his mind) and Cars. He can easily go play by himself and keep himself entertained for a long time. But he also plays with his sibling well although he can be very sensative. He gets his feelings hurt easily and instead of telling his brother or sister what they did to hurt him he comes running to me "They made me sad!". He is also very observant! He went to Aunt Momos house the other day and walked around pointed out every little thing that was different.
Ashton really loves Pirates (Jake and the Neverland Pirates to be exact) and he is all boy. He loves to run, jump, tackle, push, scream, and get dirty. He is also a mockingbird. Now at the basketball games he repeats (screaming) what the fans yell. Its very entertaining. He also has a girlfriend (in his mind) who is a senior on bball team. He wakes up on game days and says "I get to see Addi today?" While Ashton is all boy he also loves to get Presleys pom poms and run around the house shaking them screaming "GO TEAM! GO BULLDOGS!"
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Ashton |
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
'Tis the Season
For Christmas Lights! My children are in love with looking at outside decorations!! We decorated our roof, trees, bushes, and porch and when I saw "we" I mean Keith. It looks great and the kids LOVE it! They also love driving around and looking at all the other yard decorations. For Clyde there are some awesome houses!
Tonight after the basketball games I drove the kids around our neighborhood. I was impressed with so many houses! One house probably had 100 wood cutouts of cartoons characters, Santa, and reindeer. A few others were just covered in lights! One had their front room open and in the background tons of Christmas dolls, a spinning Christmas tree, and a Santa!
Ashton kept saying "Wow! Look at that!" and "Ohhh man.." Presley and Keegan were a little less impressed and just said "Christmas lights!"
It's neat to see the little things others do to make others happy. Just putting up Christmas lights and decorations for others to see has brought a huge amount of happiness and excitement to my kids which makes my heart happy.
Tonight after the basketball games I drove the kids around our neighborhood. I was impressed with so many houses! One house probably had 100 wood cutouts of cartoons characters, Santa, and reindeer. A few others were just covered in lights! One had their front room open and in the background tons of Christmas dolls, a spinning Christmas tree, and a Santa!
Ashton kept saying "Wow! Look at that!" and "Ohhh man.." Presley and Keegan were a little less impressed and just said "Christmas lights!"
It's neat to see the little things others do to make others happy. Just putting up Christmas lights and decorations for others to see has brought a huge amount of happiness and excitement to my kids which makes my heart happy.
Thursday, December 5, 2013
This year we decided to attempt doing Advent with the kiddos. What is Advent? I am still learning but it appears to be a daily bible study that takes place Dec 1-25 and takes you through the Bible and God's story.
We have been using a free version I was able to download from Austin Stone Community Church. It has a reading plan along with little pictures that relate to the story that the kiddos can color. You can get it here!
Another great thing about this Advent study is it provides not only the readings in the Bible but also gives page numbers for the same story in The Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones. It's a great children's Bible! We bought these for our kids this year for Christmas. When we found out the Advent we downloaded used it we let them open a Christmas gift early.
So far the kids have enjoyed reading their Bibles...even though we end up having to paraphrase the stories because their attention span is so short. They are excited to get their Bible every night, look at the pictures, and find out what picture they get to color that night. Here are a few examples of what they get to color and of course it goes right on the fridge.
We have been using a free version I was able to download from Austin Stone Community Church. It has a reading plan along with little pictures that relate to the story that the kiddos can color. You can get it here!
Another great thing about this Advent study is it provides not only the readings in the Bible but also gives page numbers for the same story in The Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones. It's a great children's Bible! We bought these for our kids this year for Christmas. When we found out the Advent we downloaded used it we let them open a Christmas gift early.
So far the kids have enjoyed reading their Bibles...even though we end up having to paraphrase the stories because their attention span is so short. They are excited to get their Bible every night, look at the pictures, and find out what picture they get to color that night. Here are a few examples of what they get to color and of course it goes right on the fridge.
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
2 years and 10 months of ..... craziness
So today...I was vacuuming out the van (which should be done on a daily basis but really happens every other month or three) and the kids were playing in the driveway. I hop out of the van and make sure all were accounted for. There's Presley, Keegan is over there and ..Ashton...Ashton? I walk around to the front of the van and find Ashton...butt naked. Why in the world are his pants and undies off?? Then he starts waving his undies around over the grass and poop starts to fly out. Yea he is still hit and miss with the pooping in the potty thing. At least he is a go getter and took care of it himself right? Ugh...glad no one was around to see this. Gotta love boys.
Driving home from our playdate and Walmart Presley zonks out pretty quick. Ashton is crying/whining "hold me mommy...hold me" with his eyes close until he finally falls asleep 5 minutes away from home. Keegan is playing with his little plush cookie monster. "Here is a chip Cookie Monster...its spicy. Ohh Cookie Monster I told you so! It's spicy! It's ok {gives Cookie Monster hug}. No hitting Cookie Monster!!! BAD BOY! You go to time out! Not hit!" And he continues to play and talk to Cookie Monster. I think it is the cutest thing when Keegan pretend plays with his toys...pretty sure I could watch it all day.
My children somehow find their DVDs and get them out and play with them...frisbee, throwing, sliding, ect. I have told them until I blue in the face "YOU ARE RUINING YOUR CARTOONS!" We don't have cable so we rely on DVDs and Netflix. Well today we were going to watch Mickey, but once I grabbed the DVD from the mantle ABOVE the fireplace I noticed it was split in half....pretty sure it wasn't like that when I put it up there. REALLY?!? Ugh these kids. We settle for Dora. I was cleaning the kitchen when the kids started to say "Dora is freezing" Must be a Dora in the winter right? Wrong!!!! Dora now skips and pauses at the end. I looked at them and said "Oh no! What are we going to do?" Presley looked at me and threw her hands in the air with a shocked face. She then got a real sad look on her face and fell to the ground in a little ball. A few seconds later she jumped up laughing. Oh the actress she is.
Driving home from our playdate and Walmart Presley zonks out pretty quick. Ashton is crying/whining "hold me mommy...hold me" with his eyes close until he finally falls asleep 5 minutes away from home. Keegan is playing with his little plush cookie monster. "Here is a chip Cookie Monster...its spicy. Ohh Cookie Monster I told you so! It's spicy! It's ok {gives Cookie Monster hug}. No hitting Cookie Monster!!! BAD BOY! You go to time out! Not hit!" And he continues to play and talk to Cookie Monster. I think it is the cutest thing when Keegan pretend plays with his toys...pretty sure I could watch it all day.
My children somehow find their DVDs and get them out and play with them...frisbee, throwing, sliding, ect. I have told them until I blue in the face "YOU ARE RUINING YOUR CARTOONS!" We don't have cable so we rely on DVDs and Netflix. Well today we were going to watch Mickey, but once I grabbed the DVD from the mantle ABOVE the fireplace I noticed it was split in half....pretty sure it wasn't like that when I put it up there. REALLY?!? Ugh these kids. We settle for Dora. I was cleaning the kitchen when the kids started to say "Dora is freezing" Must be a Dora in the winter right? Wrong!!!! Dora now skips and pauses at the end. I looked at them and said "Oh no! What are we going to do?" Presley looked at me and threw her hands in the air with a shocked face. She then got a real sad look on her face and fell to the ground in a little ball. A few seconds later she jumped up laughing. Oh the actress she is.
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