(This is their 11 month photo. They all started in a sitting position but within seconds found a new pose they liked better)
Well I am a little late and posting but better late than never right? This last month has been alot of fun and very busy with the holidays.

The babies are doing wonderful! Presley is getting ready to walk, she is taking 3 -5 steps at a time very slowly and carefully. Ashton is starting to take 1 - 3 steps very quickly and rambunctious like. Keegan is pulling up and standing while holding on. He hasn't adventured into letting go yet but I bet he will soon.
The babies personalities are starting to show more and more everyday! Keegan is the flirt, jokester, and still kind of a cry baby. He loves to make people laugh and likes attention.
Ashton doesn't sit still and laughs at everything, especially Keegan. He is also pretty mischievous and likes to quietly sneak away and head into where he is not supposed to be as quick as he can.
Presley is pretty sweet. She is observant and careful yet adventurous. Presley is starting to climb when she can..she of course is starting small. She gets her feelings hurt when her brothers take away her toys but she is pretty tough. She has probably had the most bumps and bruises and doesn't cry about it.
The babies love to play together and are starting to more and more crawl into the playroom and just play with each other. This is very nice for me!
The babies have been to many basketball games to cheer for the Lady Eagles! They even made the news! They are at the beginning on the fan cam. The moms at the games are so nice and love to hold the babies. So if I can manage to get in there then I kinda get a break for a bit! The babies always do pretty well at the games even though it is usually past their bedtime.
They went to visit Santa! (I think all 4 were a bit nervous) Notice Presley's pouty lip. She went through a phase of stranger danger but she is starting to come out of it I think.

Christmas was a week long adventure. We first had Christmas at our house, then my parents, then Keith's parents. The babies were really good at taking the bows off the presents. They didn't really get opening gifts but they liked playing with their toys!
Christmas at our house.
Christmas at my parents
Christmas at Keith's parents. This is all the grandkids.

We also had a great time ringing in 2012

We have also visited the park a lot! Swinging is one of their favorite things to do!

They love to ride in their choo choo wagon!

They have also started eating a lot of table food. I have discovered after watching Keith and our families feed them that I feed the messy way. I just plop food down on their tray and let them go to town. I enjoy doing it this way because they get to practice feeding themselves and I get to have a break, and they are content and not screaming at me to stick a spoon in their mouth. I have also noticed that they each have their own way of feeding themselves. Ashton grabs his food gets it on his palm and the puts his palm to his mouth. Keegan does the same thing but 2 or more fingers end up in his mouth as well. Presley uses her pincher grasp and elegantly puts her food in her mouth like a normal person.
I have tried to capture a little more video so...
Here is a link to see Ashton and Keegan playing...keep an eye out for Presley.
This is one of Ashton playing with a car seat box and being excited.
Those eating pictures cracked me up!! You set the scene perfectly describing each of their habits. lol Love your blog!