All the babies are home! Ashton got to come home last Sunday. He is still having "episodes" which means when he is drinking his bottle he stops breathing. We have to watch him very closely when he is eating. But that is the only time he stops breathing...no night episodes.
Keith and I got adjusted fairly quickly having Presley and Keegan home. We got on a good schedule and were starting to feel like this was pretty easy. Then Ashton joined the bunch and we realized how hard 3 is going to be w/ only two people!
Keith had to leave town Wednesday for work so its been me and my mom. She has been so kind to keep Keegan and Presley at night and just give me Ashton so I could get some rest because she is leaving in a few days. I think they are giving her a run for her money.
I have already started to notice the different personalities!
Keegan is wiggly, stubborn, and screams when he doesn't get his way right away. He is also very sweet and cute and he LOVES to eat! He loves to suck on stuff...he will be one to watch when he gets a little older. He will be the one to put everything in his mouth.
Presley is sweet. When she is hungry she just whimpers...well until she gets really hungry. When you hold her or feed her she just looks at you so sweetly. She likes to watch what is going on too! She seems very dainty but she is over 4 lbs now!!
Ashton is pretty laid back unless he is hungry. He likes to poop too. As you are putting a new diaper on he is literally pooping in it again before you even get it velcroed. He also likes to look around and just watch everything that is going on.
As for life right now...eat sleep poop. Eating takes them in all about an hour and a half. Changing their diaper...sometimes multiple times takes about 30 minutes. Then they hopefully get to sleep or just quietly looking around (which happens occasionally). Then its time to wash bottles, rest for a few minutes, throw some laundry in, eat (we forget to do that quite often now). And then usually one starts screaming before its time to eat and wakes the other two up...and now they all think its time to eat. I try to calm them a little and hopefully get them to wait until it's time to eat. Then it begins again
Good times. I love them and its worth it...but I can not wait for the day until they are sleeping through the night...or at leave 4-5 hours at a time.
Oh and I decided that if you are going to have multiples you need to be rich (well its not like we plan to have multiples)...but 1- because its cost a lot and 2-you pretty much need a plastic surgery to get your body back. I am taking donations for both right now :-) (just kidding...sorta)
Steph--thanks for the update!! Those pictures are too cute and sweet! I have so much respect for the two of you...I am sure it is tough, but I know you and Keith are doing an amazing job!! Love you both and can't wait to come down!
ReplyDeleteI LOVE these updates of yours! It's a sincere delight to gaze into the window of your beautiful life with your amazing family. I love you very much and believe me when I say, if I wish I could stay with you for a week, month, or two and help with the babies...I would give anything to do that actually.
ReplyDeleteLove everyone! Give hellos and hugs. Make sure you get one too. Miss you.
Love the update! I noticed their personalities right away too. Amazing how different they seem already. I miss them already.
ReplyDeleteI would be willing to donate to the plastic surgery fund.....I will even go with you and have a little work done too. You know, for moral support ;)
I cried when I read this. Makes me miss them and you very much. Can't wait to get home!!
ReplyDeleteI loved reading this!!!! I think Ashton seems to have a personality similar to yours, just chill and laid back! Maybe this summer I can come stay for a couple of days and help out??? Anytime I'm talking to someone about babies I tell them about you and how you have triplets. I follow that with "out of anyone that could handle triplets, it would be you and Keith." I have complete confidence in y'all!!!!
ReplyDeleteLove you!