Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Typically we change our babies diapers everytime before we feed them and lately while we are feeding them we hear and fell a loud explosion in their diaper (especially the boys). Some how this happens a lot in the middle of the night as well. So there goes another diaper and the risk of getting poop everywhere...which happens! We have been very blessed that our friends and family have donated diapers to us and we haven't had to transition to cloth diapers yet...which is good because with the double diapering we have been doing w/ a lot of feedings we wouldn't have enough cloth diapers! We go through at least 30 diapers a day...that is 900 diapers a month...which is about 240 dollars a month...which is 2,880 dollars a year. That is if eveything stayed the same.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Settling in
Bottle cleaning time!
Well we are finally settling into some sort of routine. The babies are still eating every three hours and once in a blue moon will wait four hours at night...but that is rare right now. Keith and I are taking turns at night feeding which last about 1 1/2 hours. That gives us usually about 5-7 hours depending on which feedings you have...which really isn't that bad. We aren't on any official time scedule, we let the first one hungry wake us up and luckily overall they stagger themselves. Some nights they are all crazy hungry at once and thats usually when we call for backup (from each other).
During the day in between feedings is a time to get everything else done. You have about an hour to an hour and a half to do this. I should nap but I have the long list of things to do in my head that won't allow for a nap. I do however take time just to sit and watch TV even if it is for 5 minutes.
Overall the babies are really good babies. Not super fussy unless they are hungry. They do spit up ALOT and its smelly and no fun. Keegan does tend to cry more and we haven't exactly figured out why...he does stop once you pick him up maybe he just wants to be held....which w/ triplets isn't always going to happen. So it is very important for them to learn to self we let him cry himself to sleep sometimes...and sometimes we have to because we are feeding one of the others. It is all a balancing act...and a patience tester.
A few things I have loved having:
1) the summertime swaddle much easier than swaddling w/ a blanket
2) waterproof lap pads...we put the under their heads when they sleep...that way if and when they spit up we don't have to change the sheets.
3) old school cloth diapers for burp clothes...they soak up everything and are amazing
4) soothie pacifiers...they make the crying stop...even if it is for a little bit
5) a pack and play...this is their downstairs crib
6) waterproof sheet protecter. We put a sheet down, a sheet protector and then another sheet. This way when we have to change the sheet right away there is already one on! Which is nice because we have to take our bumpers off every time we change the sheets.
Even though life has changed into mostly feeding and changing diapers it hasn't been that bad.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Quick update.

All the babies are home! Ashton got to come home last Sunday. He is still having "episodes" which means when he is drinking his bottle he stops breathing. We have to watch him very closely when he is eating. But that is the only time he stops night episodes.
Keith and I got adjusted fairly quickly having Presley and Keegan home. We got on a good schedule and were starting to feel like this was pretty easy. Then Ashton joined the bunch and we realized how hard 3 is going to be w/ only two people!
Keith had to leave town Wednesday for work so its been me and my mom. She has been so kind to keep Keegan and Presley at night and just give me Ashton so I could get some rest because she is leaving in a few days. I think they are giving her a run for her money.
I have already started to notice the different personalities!
Keegan is wiggly, stubborn, and screams when he doesn't get his way right away. He is also very sweet and cute and he LOVES to eat! He loves to suck on stuff...he will be one to watch when he gets a little older. He will be the one to put everything in his mouth.
Presley is sweet. When she is hungry she just whimpers...well until she gets really hungry. When you hold her or feed her she just looks at you so sweetly. She likes to watch what is going on too! She seems very dainty but she is over 4 lbs now!!
Ashton is pretty laid back unless he is hungry. He likes to poop too. As you are putting a new diaper on he is literally pooping in it again before you even get it velcroed. He also likes to look around and just watch everything that is going on.
As for life right sleep poop. Eating takes them in all about an hour and a half. Changing their diaper...sometimes multiple times takes about 30 minutes. Then they hopefully get to sleep or just quietly looking around (which happens occasionally). Then its time to wash bottles, rest for a few minutes, throw some laundry in, eat (we forget to do that quite often now). And then usually one starts screaming before its time to eat and wakes the other two up...and now they all think its time to eat. I try to calm them a little and hopefully get them to wait until it's time to eat. Then it begins again
Good times. I love them and its worth it...but I can not wait for the day until they are sleeping through the night...or at leave 4-5 hours at a time.
Oh and I decided that if you are going to have multiples you need to be rich (well its not like we plan to have multiples)...but 1- because its cost a lot and 2-you pretty much need a plastic surgery to get your body back. I am taking donations for both right now :-) (just kidding...sorta)
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Update coming soon!
Thursday, March 3, 2011
TRUE LIFE : my triplets are in the NICU
6:30 AM - Wake up and pump. Go back to bed.
8:00 AM -Wake up, lay in bed watching some TV.
8:30 AM - Fall back asleep
9:15 AM - Wake up. Realize I have an hour before we have to leave for the hospital and begin to get ready
9:45 - Go into my closet and try and find the few items of clothes that aren't too big and aren't too small.
10:00 - Hurry down stairs and get some breakfast
10:10 - Put on my shoes...oh wait they are upstairs. Run upstairs to get them.
10:20 - Keith is still waiting on me to be ready
10:21 - We are in the car driving to the hospital to visit the babies
10:45 - Arrive at the hospital
10:47 - Walk up the huge flight of stairs and down the halls. Keith is way ahead of me while I am gasping for air because I am sooo out of shape (due to bedrest of course)
10:50 - BABIES! Walk into the NICU...give them the little breast milk I could muster up.
11:00 - Presley gets fed. I get to attempt to breast feed her...curtain goes around. I get my boppy and attempt to fit it around my waist. Presley is given to me and here we go.... as the nurse stands over the nurse practitioner comes in to talk about the babies. And Presley is showing NO interest. So here comes the bottle....she is a rockstar at taking the bottle. Presley is done.
11:30 - Keegan's turn to breast feed. Attach the nipple shield and Keegan grabs it off. The sweet nurse attaches it for me. Keegan goes to comes Dr. Man in to ask about the babies....while my boob is popped out...sweet. Now here comes the lactation nurse and sits down next to me...and gives me lots of tips on breast feeding while watching Keegan. Keegan gets tired and its bottle time! Keegan takes the bottle well with a little bit of spitting up and loud farting/pooping in the pants. Keegan is done!
12:00 - Ashton's turn to breast feed. Put the nipple shield on. Ashton hits it off. Try to put the nipple shield on myself one handed....not working. Ashton starts screaming and trying to attack me...screw the nipple shield. We are trying this with out it... and its not going well! BOTTLE PLEASE! Suck .... suck..................snore. Suck...suck.................................snore................. Ashton takes his bottle well but is so ssssssssssssslllllllllllllllllllllllllloooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!
12:50 - Ashton is zonked out and getting the rest of his bottle threw is feeding tube.
1:00 - Leave the BABIES. Head down the long halls, down the flight of stairs and back into the van....feeling sad to leave the BABIES.
1:30 - Get home. Time to pump!
2:00 - Ugh I am so hungry. Lunch time.
2:30 - Go attempt to take a nap.
4:00 - Wake up. Lay in bed watching TV...enjoying the last few minutes of "freedom".
4:30 - Time to pump!
5:00 - Go down stairs and start looking for food.
5:30 - Find some food...and eat.
6:00 - Spend some time w/ Keith or the parents.
6:45 - Check email...wondering what the deal of the day is.
7:00 - Uh oh, we have to leave in 15 minutes. Where are my shoes???
7:10 - Find shoes...I think I need a jacket. Keith is ready to go.
7:15 - Get I am thirsty.
7:20 - Keith is in the van waiting....where did I put my cup?
7:25 - And we are off.
7:50 - We arrive and walk up the huge flight of stairs then down the long hallways.
7:55 - BABIES! Give them my tube of milk.
8:00 - Presley gets to go first. Keith feeds her w/ the bottle and she sucks it down wide eyed pondering the meaning of life.
8:30 - Keegan eats. I feed him with the bottle. He decides to take his time....oh no he isn't finishing! Come on Keegan you can do it! And he is out....he lips are pressed tightly together and has a big fat frown on his face. 20 mL left? Ugh Keegan you have to eat this! Finally he takes a little more and its "Good enough". Woo. Time to burp! Pat pat pat on the back...BURP. OHHHH with lots of spit up! Keegan is done.
9:00 - Ashtons turn. Keith gets to feed him. Suck ... suck.....snore. Suck.......suck........suck.....swallow.....snore. He seems to be getting better! Until....he stops. He starts to squirm. His face turns red and his head starts bobbing up and down. "THPTSCHSHSHSHSH" That is the sound of a large amount of poo coming out of his poo hole and with amazing force. So much force that all of the NICU nurses have heard and start laughing. Suck....suck...suck...suck. He is on a role!!!! Finally Ashton is done. Nurse, I think he needs a diaper change!
9:45 - Woo. We are all tuckered out. We head home.
10:15 - Home sweet home. It's time to pump!
10:45 - Get ready for bed.
11:00 - Get in bed...start watching Greek on Netflix.
11:15 - Fall asleep.
2:30 AM - Annoying alarm goes off. Time to pump!
6:30 AM-Really annoying alarm goes off. Time to pump!
And it starts all over again! Well until tomorrow night. Then the fun begins!
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Babies Update
Sorry I haven't posted in forever...its been crazy and they aren't even home yet! It is amazing how driving back and forth to the hospital, doing 3 feedings with nurses and everyone else standing over you can take a toll on you!
And for the babies!
As of Feb. 28th Presley weighed 3. 8 oz. She has been gaining 1- 2 oz per I am guessing she is weighing about 3.10 today. She is in a CRIB! Today she passed her hearing test with flying colors....faster than anyone else in the NICU (well that is what the lady said). She is eating all bottles pretty quick!
It looks like she will get to come home Saturday if she passes her sleep study and car seat test....well not car bed. Has anyone heard of a car bed? Well they are little bed's for little babies that lock into the seat of the car. This is a giant picture of one.

As for Keegan... he weighed 5.2 oz Monday night, I am guessing he weighs about 5.5 now. He is starting to fill out a lot and get some chub on him! He is also now taking all bottles and doing a lot better at it. He has a tendency to spit up a lot and has some reflux but other than that he is doing great. The doctor surprised us today when she said if he passes all his tests he can come home with Presley on Saturday.
As for Ashton...he weighed 5.7 oz on Monday night and I am guessing he probably weighs about 5.10 oz today. He is also on all 8 bottles feedings but doesn't always finish and he takes his good old time to eat....which sometimes can go as long as an hour! Even though he is the biggest he still has some learning to do as far as he has to stay in the NICU by himself :-( But our guess is he won't be there long.
Friday we are "rooming in"...which means that we will stay the night in a room right across the hall from the NICU. Presley and Keegan will be unplugged from all their wires and it will be our responsibility to do everything as if they were at home ... except we would be at the hospital with nurses to help if needed. Hopefully they will let us fee them at the same time (because that's what we intend to do once their home) maybe we can get some sleep.
So its all exciting and scary at the same time. Only two more nights of quality sleep for who knows how long! But we are super excited to FINALLY have the babies at home w/ us (except for Ashton :-( but he will be home soon too. Can't wait to NEVER step foot back in the hospital for a long time!
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