Thursday, May 30, 2013

28 months ( well almost)

Its been a while..guess I better post!  I blame the kids ... they never give me a moment to sit down.

Lets see....last you heard Presley and Ashton were starting to escape their beds....well we ended up taking the side off the crib...and now we never get a full nights rest.  Now that the kiddos are not contained they come into our room in the middle of the night crying and get in our bed.  I know..I know...I am supposed to take them back to their bed...and we did that for a few months...and then it got hard.  WHY?  Well because when you have 3 kids sleeping in the same room and one wakes up and you tick that child off by putting them back in their bed they throw a fit.  A loud fit.  Loud enough to wake everyone up and then they all want in your bed.  And then you are a peewee quarterback with a UT team charging toward you (yea that's right UT) and your night is shot.  SOOO we gave in and yours truly ends up on the couch a few nights a week...which actually means I get a good nights rest not sandwiched in between the 2 boys.  Also its funny...Presley always goes to Keith's side and the boys to mine.

That is probably our biggest challenge right now...I am hoping to tackle it and get the kids trained to stay in their beds next week...or maybe the week after.

Other than that we have three 2 year olds.  The good and the bad.  I hear from 90% of parents that 3's are a lot worse...I am going to be in denial about that and pretend that's not true and won't be for ours.  I don't know if I can take worse....its just the whining and fit throwing that drive me CRAZY!

The kids are starting to play with each other by themselves....they don't do it a lot (with me around) anyway.  The love to climb on me and always want me to hold them!  I am having to get tough with them.  They are starting to pretend play which is fun.

Presley is still the smallest one...she is just petite but has a big personality.  Everywhere we go everyone asks "Are they twins?"....and then they are shocked when I say "No, they are triplets."  Presley isn't that much smaller but I guess triplets isn't super common.  Presley is the best at sleeping in her bed all night.  She loves to dance and really loves to jump.  She is super friendly.  Everytiem we go to the park she makes a friend to play with.  The other day on the way to the park we had this conversation:
Pres: I want girls to be at the park
Me: Why?
Pres:  I want to play with girls and Keegan and Ashton to play with boys
Me: You don't want to play with boys?
Pres: NO!  Girls!

She got her wish today and made a friends named Paisley

Keegan is still so laid back and chill.  He will go and play by himself forever.  Until someone ticks him off.  Then the demon comes out.  He will scream so loud it hurts my ears.  If he is really tired or hungry he is inconsolable.    It really is ridiculous.  But that happens maybe 10% off the time..if that.  Otherwise we have happy Keegan.  He is the only one potty trained!!  We have the little potty chairs and he will just go when he has too and he usually dumps out his potty and flushes it.  I kinda like that he does that although it can be messy....he doesn't have the steadiest hand.  Keegan is also the most polite.  He says Thank You, Please, and your welcome...the most without being reminded.  Gold star for him.

Ashton is crafty...he gets into everything!!  Right now is favorite thing is to open the fridge...which is helpful sometimes...and other times not so much.  He is also the instigator.  He loves to take toys away, throw them, and slap.  He spends the most time in time out.  But he is good about going to time out, saying yes sir/maam and sorry.  He also thinks everything is funny and loves to laugh.  He has the deep belly laugh and laughs often!! I love this about him.

They all love to race and run around the house...well until the run into each other.  That's not so fun.

They love to pretend to go "shopping" and like to pretend to leave sayings their  "bye's and love you's" to everyone.

They love to help...dust, empty their stuff out of the dishwasher, laundry, get stuff out of the fridge for me, picking up toys (we are still working on this).

I will have to post some pics later when I figure out how to from my phone.  Thats all I use now!  Probably should stop that and use a real camera.

1 comment:

  1. I fear the toddler bed!!! Luckily, so far, @ 25 months, we have no escapees :) 2 of my boys are the size of 3 year olds & the other is an average sized 2 year old, so we've been getting the "are they twins?" Question lately :-/
