Monday, February 27, 2012

Taking off the training wheels (written prior to birthday)

Bottles.  We went through ALOT of bottles of the past year.  The beginning was very hard but once they started holding their own bottles it was like being on vacation and I got some of my life back.  That was short lived because then I started adding baby food so I was feeding 6 times!  Now I have slowly been taking away bottles and supplementing milk and meals instead.  Tomorrow is their birthday and we have breakfast with milk, lunch with milk and/or juice, .dinner with juice and a bedtime bottle.  I don't think they need the bottle at night but I have been doing it for some sort of peace of mind.

Feeding the babies bottles I know that they are getting all the nutrition they need.  I don't have to worry about it.  It is there. But when you take away the bottles you take away the nutrients they need.  Now it is up to ME to come up with meals that will replace all those nutrients.    This has been very stressful for me...probably way more than it should.

The bottles were my training wheels and now they are being stripped away and it is up to me to make sure these kids eat healthy.  Every meal I feel like I am scrambling to figure out something healthy for them to eat.  Yesterday lunch was canned soup, edomome beans and oranges.  todays lunch was turkey sandwich, goldfish, green beans, and cherries....yes I gave them 1/4 of a sandwich...they did fine with it. I try to make up stuff too!  Like plain yogurt mixed with pumpkin....sounds kinda good.  Kids like it but let me tell you it was disgusting!

I am so blessed to have 3 funny babies who are not picky eaters like me!  They will pretty much eat anything.  My hope and goal is to introduce them to a wide range of foods and hope they continue to like them as they grow up.

1 comment:

  1. I SO feel you on this one! There is nothing else that has stressed me out more than figuring out healthy balanced meals AND the right portions to make sure they are getting everything they need. I think we are finally getting into some sort of routine though, thankfully! Still doing bottles, but with milk instead of formula. Trying to figure out those sippy cups is no fun.
