The babies are doing great! We have moved from Austin to the Wichita Falls area. We are living in Monica's (Keith's sister) family and are taking up residence in their living room while we wait for our house to sale.
Presley has found her feet and has become a rolly polly. She can roll from her back and her tummy. She has also started pulling her knees under her and pushing herself forward. Keegan and Ashton have started rolling from their tummy to his back more often. Ashton has been the grumpy one this month. I think that he is starting to teeth even though we can't see any teeth.
They have all started playing in their jumperoos and love it! We have also started baby food. Right now they are getting it once a day but I am going to try and shoot for 2 -3 times a day. So far they love almost everything except rice cereal and green beans. Ashton is our best eater...he will open his mouth really wide and will eat anything. Presley will open her mouth too and will eat almost anything and Keegan is still unsure. He opens his mouth a little and still spits a lot of it out especially if he isn't crazy about the food.
This last month has been a little trying. With teething (I am blaming it on that) one baby is always upset. It is constant fussiness from one baby or another or all. The only time it is quiet is when they are sleeping our eating. Having 3 at one time is definitely hard but I have LOVED watching them start to interact and seeing them develop next to each other.
Well the babies are taking their morning mini nap. I better go brush my teeth!
Miss you friend! Thank you for keeping us posted on how they and you are doing. I hope to call you soon because I'd love to hear more about how YOU are and feeling. I think all my friends who are moms are heroic! You are rocking that hero list dear. :)