Keegan, Presley, Ashton
Well the babies are already 3 months old! They are starting to do a lot of stuff and sleep a little less during the day and little more during the night.
Our new schedule goes like this:
1:30 AM- One of us gets up to feed the babies then goes back to sleep.
6:00 AM - The other one of us gets up to feed the babies and goes back to bed.
9:00 AM - We both get up and feed the babies. Then put them in a bouncy seat or boppy. We get something to eat ourselves and maybe get ready for the day.
1:00 PM - Feed the babies. Play with the babies for a few minutes. Wash bottles. Make bottles for 5 more feedings. Eat lunch. Think about getting some stuff done. Throw some laundry in.
4:00 PM - Feed the babies. Throw some more laundry in and fold the others. Watch some TV. Play with the babies.
6:00 PM - Let the screaming begin! Grumpy hour has begun. We try and soothe the babies as much as we can. It doesn't work. We endure the screaming while taking turns holding, bouncing, rocking, swaying, walking around with the babies.
7:30 PM - Feed the babies. Change into their PJ's. Clean up the living room. Fold the laundry. Oh yea...eat.
8:30 PM - Put the babies to bed. Clean up a little. Get on the computer for a second. Get in bed and watch some TV. Then fall asleep.
This is how we feel at the end of each day

Presley is now eating 4.5 oz. (each feeding) She is smiling A LOT! And it's really cute. I will have to get a picture to put on here.
Keegan is eating 5 oz. He is smiling a lot too and starting to grab stuff. Keith has been trying to get him to roll over by putting his pacifier where he can almost reach it with his mouth and then keeps pulling it farther away as he goes for it. Keegan has also started doing push ups.
Ashton is also eating about 5 oz. He isn't smiling a whole lot yet but has some definite strength. He loves to stand up with us holding him (of course). He also is very good at pushups and can hold his upper body up for a good amount of time. He has started grabbing at things too...especially my hair and Keith's chest hair!
Ashton was born tounge tied ( I don't know the medical term off the top of my head). But the thing that holds your tounge to the bottom of your mouth (frenulum) was connected all the way to the tip. So he couldn't move his tongue around a whole lot and he couldn't stick it out. We decided to take him to a ENT specialist to see what he recommended. Well he recommenced that we clip it and we did. It took about a whole minute to do so. He didn't cry much and it barely bled, and he was ready to eat or do whatever right away. He will probably thank us one day for that!
Mercy loves the babies too! She is really good with them. We didn't get Ashton on because we ran out of room.

We had a good mothers day. We ordered in food! We also made stepping stones for their grandma's! Which included a footprint and name of each baby. This was really fun to do but we were doing it during grumpy hour so it was very loud and no one was happy.