Presley - 1 lb 14 oz
Keegan - 2 lb 2 oz
Ashton - 2 lb 3 oz
They said Keegan had a big head that was measuring at 27 weeks and Ashton had a big tummy that was measuring at 27 weeks. Presley was on her tummy curled up trying to protect herself from her brothers who are kicking her in the head and hinney.
I haven't felt Presley much but man...Keegan ... his head is where my belly button is and his feet or by my bladder...he likes to tap dance on my bladder...sometime it feels like he is kicking his feet like he is swimming.
The doctor said he didn't want to see me for 4 weeks...that is at 30 weeks when its getting pretty close to when the babies are due. I guess I will see my other doctor every week until then.
He left me saying "Only a month and a half left....or maybe a month". That is scary.
I am doing ok. I am starting to get pretty uncomfortable. If a stand my back hurts, if I sit my ribs and sternum hurt, if I lay down my hips and knees hurt. I can now start to feel my skin get really tight over my belly...this is an unusual but kinda painful feeling. But I shouldn't complain because in a month its probably going to be 100 times worse!
So far blood pressure is great and not much that is a blessing.
I have been working in the nursery sorta...I have been doing a lot of washing...folding...and somewhat organizing. I even made some art for the walls using the fabric that we are doing the bedding with.
Next appt is next Wednesday and I get to do the diabetes test again! Hopefully I pass again w/ flying colors!
These are pictures of me at 25 weeks...guessing I look about 9 months preggo w/ one baby.