I can not believe our babies are 9 months old!!!! They had a doctor's visit Monday which went well.
Presley was almost 18 lbs which was in the 10th percentile and her height was in the 50th percentile. She is tall and skinny but full of spunk! She also now has two bottom teeth and one tooth coming in at the top.
Presley has perfected the crawl and has gotten pretty quick. She also LOVES to pull up. We have three jumperoos grouped together. She loves to pull up and swing from pole to pole. Presley loves to smile. We she does she crinkles up her nose, shows her bottom teeth and puts her head back like she is looking at the ceiling. It's pretty cute. She also likes to follow Ashton around and do what he does.
Keegan the chunk is also doing very well. His red spot on his forehead is slowly disappearing. He weighed about 21 lbs (I think he might have weighed a lb or so more before the stomach flu hit) and his weight and height are in the 50th percentile range. He has two bottom teeth and his two top teeth or in too. He has something (I don't remember what they called it) but its like a little tiny tooth nub coming in between his two front teeth. The doctor didn't seem too concerned but did point it put out and say the dentist will figure that out.

Keegan has finally gotten a little more mobile. Recently he has started the army crawl. He can now tag around w/ his brother and sister. He is a very sweet boy with a bashful smile. He also love animals. When Mercy or Grace come around he gets the biggest smile on his face. He also loves to make sound w/ his mouth. He will get his cheeks full of air, purse his lips together and blow air threw. Last weekend he decided he hates veggies. He will spit them out, turn his face, hit the spoon. This battle is not over.
Ashton is also a chunk. He weighed almost 21 lbs and his height and weight were in the 50th percentile. He has his two bottom teeth, two incisors, and one front tooth in.
Ashton is a laugher. He laughs at everything. It is great!!! Keegan tends to cry a little more and Ashton tries to cheer him up by smiling at him, slapping him in the face, putting his head on his belly. Usually he makes it worse but its pretty cute to see Ashton try to make him happy. Ashton has conquereed crawling...you can always here him coming because he hits the ground so hard with his hands. He can also pull up and cruise around holding onto furniture. Ashton also loves to cuddle but not for long....he has to be on the move.
I have enjoyed their mobility...I was nervous at first. But we shut all the doors, block the kitchen off and let them go. They have the living room, play room, entry way, and hall way. Sometimes I get lucky and they just go off and play and don't need me there. I can get a little bit done that way.
Forgive me for my negativism in my last entry. My point was to get across the difficulties of triplets that some may not realize. This month has been much more positive.
I have had a wonderful lady from the church offer to come help once a week by coming over to watch the babies for an hour or so...so I can make it to the store or do what I need to do! Also I have made it a priority to get out more. It is hard, it does take a while, and I do always work up a sweet loading and unloading. But I get out and its nice. I am even enjoying talking to everyone. Today I went to walmart and the cashier came up to me and talked to me for a bit. She offered to find someone to push a cart around with me. I only needed a few things so I declined. So she said if I fill up my basket then I can drop it off with her and get a new one. It was kind of her to think about that.