We are settling into Wichita Falls fairly well. Keith is busy at work and I am too! The life of a coach is incredibly busy and as a mom of triplets is busy as well. I have discovered that once food disappears from our cabinets and fridge that it won't get filled up right away like it used too. Now that Keith is working a lot he doesn't get home until late so... no one goes to the store because I am not about to drag the triplets in a giant stroller to Walmart and some how push them and a grocery cart while talking to every single person in that store.
I hardly ever leave the house! Ugh it stinks. I do have the ability but it is not easy putting each baby in the car seat one by one, loading them into the car one by one, driving to wherever, unloading each one, getting the heavy stroller out, put the babies in the stroller w/o the stroller rolling away (it doesn't have a break), walk to the store, attempt to open the door to the store and push the babies in (not easy), and cruise through the store talking to 98% of the people in the store because you have triplets. And being in Wichita Falls I think we are the only family who has triplets so....its a very exciting experience for everyone around you. I don't mean to sound annoyed at everyone because it is actually nice to talk to adults but its always the same comments and questions "Gee you have your hands full!", "Are they triplets?", "Are they identical?", "How do you tell them apart?", "Was it natural or did you do fertility treatments?" (which is actually a very personal question, would you ask that to someone who just had one baby? would you want to tell a stranger about how you had trouble conceiving?).
I have joined a bible study at our church during the morning and it has free childcare with some wonderful people. So that is probably one of my favorites times during the week. Even though I haven't really made any friends through it I get to get away and focus on God and myself for an hour and a half.
On to what you really care about...Presley, Keegan, and Ashton.
Presley and Ashton are now crawling, pulling up to their knees and feet, babbling a lot, falling daily, and just started sitting up unassisted. Keegan is doing great too. He is now starting to get on all fours and rocking back and forth. He is a little behind the other two which I don't mind at all. Makes it a little easier. We think it is because he is soo heavy! He is a dense little boy.
They are now taking bottles only 3 times a day and can hold the bottles all by themselves! Makes life for me much better! They are starting to eat some solids and little gerber cracker things.
Ashton is a mess. He loves crawling over and on things especially is brother and sister. Keegan hates it! Probably because he can't get away. He loves to steal toys. Ashton also loves shoes...he will try and eat the ones you are wearing or if he spots some far away he will crawl to get them as fast as he can. He has only gotten into the dog water once and spilt it everywhere. He loves to pull up on the door gate and stand
Presley is still pretty sweet. She loves to pull up and stand too. She loves to play w/ my necklace and not pull on it but just hold it and look at it. She also likes to get under things. We have a toy they can pull up on and stand around and she loves to get under it and sit.
Keegan loves to spin on his stomach. He is very happy and laughs as lot but when he is mad he is mad. He still has a cry that is piercing and you think he has to be in pain. He is very laid back and is pretty content most of the time....until is brother tackles him.
We are very excited about Halloween! We have amazing costumes for the babies and I am trying to enter them into every costume contest I can! We are planning to attend the local fall festival and go trunk or treating at our church.
While it is not an easy job we are blessed with 3 wonderful beautiful babies. They are very happy and easy going which makes life fun. We are very lucky.