Well I am a little late posting this...so they are really about 4 months and almost 2 weeks!
We went to the doctor and everything is GREAT! Their weights were:
Presley - 10lb 11oz
Keegan - 13 lb 10 oz
Ashton - 14 lb 2 oz
We still have a small, medium, and large.
Recently they have found their hands and have enjoyed putting them togather and playing with them. They are also finding everything funny! Keegan has started to stare at his brother and sister and laugh.
Last week we went to Childress TX to visit Keith's family. The babies went to their first wedding and the boys cried through the whole thing and Presley sat quietly and watched and listened. Then the babies went to their first wedding reception and got passed throughout the room.
The babies also got to eat Prunes! Yummy I know...but they enjoyed them!!
And their great grandparents
The babies had sooo much fun that they got a little congested. We are fighting all of their stuffy noses, coughs, and sneezes. Hopefully they get better soon and don't pass it back and forth to each other.
In other news: Keith got a job as a head girls baskeball coach in Holliday!!! So our house was put on the market today. Please pray that it sales quickly and for a decent price! We are excited, we will be a lot closer to family which will be a huge help! I am a little sad though...I LOVE our current house and all the friends I have made.

This is the Siamese Twin Strawberries I found.