Friday, June 17, 2011

4 Months!

Well I am a little late posting they are really about 4 months and almost 2 weeks!

We went to the doctor and everything is GREAT! Their weights were:

Presley - 10lb 11oz

Keegan - 13 lb 10 oz

Ashton - 14 lb 2 oz

We still have a small, medium, and large.

Recently they have found their hands and have enjoyed putting them togather and playing with them. They are also finding everything funny! Keegan has started to stare at his brother and sister and laugh.

Last week we went to Childress TX to visit Keith's family. The babies went to their first wedding and the boys cried through the whole thing and Presley sat quietly and watched and listened. Then the babies went to their first wedding reception and got passed throughout the room.

The babies also got to eat Prunes! Yummy I know...but they enjoyed them!!

They also got to hang out with their favorite cousins (and Ashlynn...not pictured)!!

And their great grandparents

The babies had sooo much fun that they got a little congested. We are fighting all of their stuffy noses, coughs, and sneezes. Hopefully they get better soon and don't pass it back and forth to each other.

In other news: Keith got a job as a head girls baskeball coach in Holliday!!! So our house was put on the market today. Please pray that it sales quickly and for a decent price! We are excited, we will be a lot closer to family which will be a huge help! I am a little sad though...I LOVE our current house and all the friends I have made.

This is the Siamese Twin Strawberries I found.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Whats going on

Presley!!! Keegan!!!!

Well the babies are growing! They will be 4 months on the 8th...which is the upcoming Wednesday. It has gone by really fast but at the same time really slow.

They are starting to be more awake during the day which has been fun but this has meant that they have been a little more fussy.Their feeding schedule has changed!! Now it is about 6 AM, 8, 11, 2, 5, 8 and then starts again at 6AM. These times are not exact because it changes a little every night but they are close. The boys are now taking 6 ounces and Presley is taking 5. She has gotten tough to feed. At about half her bottle she starts crying and fighting with you and doesn't want her bottle. We have figured out that if we rock her while she eats then she does a lot better. It is usually during her very last feeding too. The boys love to eat! No problems with that. Since Ashton got his tongue clipped he seems to do a lot better and Keegan is still a messy eater. He lets it pour out of his mouth all the time!!!

When they wake up in the morning they are always very happy and laugh and giggle (well not really giggle but make happy noises). After they eat they become very grumpy for a short while. Their favorite things to do are to swing, bounce, lay on their bellies, and sit up and look around. They love looking at mobiles!! Especially Keegan! In the cribs we have two fancy mobiles that light up, play different songs and sounds, go off by themselves, come on w/ crying....but the mobile to have is in Keegans bed. It is very simple wind up music box mobile. They LOVE it. Keegan will lay in his crib and watch it and just laugh!! It's pretty funny.
They have gotten pretty good at holding their heads up. Keegan has become a master at tummy crawling. We have to keep an eye on him or he will scoot and bump his head. The boys have rolled over a few times but I think it was by accident. Presley has started to push herself up more too.

The boys are about grown out of 0 -3 month clothes and we are breaking into 3-6 month. Presley is still in 0-3 and they are still a bit big on her...especially pants and shorts.

Mercy has started to get used to the babies. The babies have enjoyed looking at Mercy too!! I like to hold the babies on Mercy like they are riding her like a horse. I know Mercy probably isn't that excited about it but she endures it.